BP Serbia Session 10, Q & A
Extra reading on BuddhaNature
from Jamgön Kongtrül Lodrö Thayé’s Creation and Completion: Essential Points of Tantric Meditation translation Sarah Harding
Prevod – iz dela Stvaranje/kreiranje i dovršavanje: suštinske tačke tantričke meditacije
Tantra is called the resultant vehicle because the approach is to rediscover the result already within. Buddha is not found anywhere outside of the intrinsic state of one’s own mind. In the traditional breakdown, then, of ground, path, and fruition, the ground is one’s own true nature, the fruition is the discovery of that, and the path is whatever it takes to make the discovery. {note: this is also how we might define Mahamudra}
Tantra se naziva vozilo rezultata jer je to pristup u kojem je potrebno ponovo otkriti rezultat koji je unutra. Buda se ne nalazi nigde izvan urođene prirode sopstvenog uma. U tradicionalnoj podeli, na, tlo, put i ostvarenje , tlo je sopstvena istinska priroda, ostvarenje je otkriće toga, a put je šta god je potrebno da se dođe do tog otkrića.
Kongtrul describes the identity of ground (basis) and fruition when he says: “The basis of purification is the eternal, non-composite realm of reality that fully permeates all beings as the buddha nature.” Since every aspect of ourselves is intrinsically pure, the path can employ any method to bring us back to our own nature. The deities used in tantric practice are a manifestation of this pure nature. In one sense, they exist as a method to undermine our pathetic projection of ourselves and our universe as flawed, a way of connecting with our true human/buddha nature. At the same time, they are that nature. Due to the complex process involved in engendering and maintaining a sense of a substantial self and of the world around us, we have lost touch with our basic nature. It is often explained that the actual emptiness nature of mind is misconstrued as a self, while the clear or radiant aspect is projected outward as the separate, external world of others.
Kongtrul opisuje identitet tla (baze) i ostvarenja kada kaže: “ Osnova pročišćenja je večito područje stvarnosti, koje nije niodčega sastavljeno i koje u potpunosti prožima sva bića kao buda priroda. “ Pošto je svaki naš aspek suštinski čist, put može koristiti bilo koji metod da nas vrati našoj sopstvenoj prirodi. Božanstva koja se koriste u tantričkoj praksi su manifestacija ove čiste prirode. U jednom smislu, ona postoje kao metod kojim se potkopava naša patetična projekcija našeg univerzuma i nas samih kao nečega što ima grešku, način da se povežemo sa našom pravom prirodom čoveka/bude. Istovremeno, ona jesu ta priroda. Zbog složenog procesa stvaranja i održavanja osećaja temeljnog sopstva i sveta oko nas, izgubili smo dodir sa svojom osnovnom prirodom. Mnogo puta je objašnjeno da je stvarna priroda praznine uma pogrešno shvaćena kao sopstvo, dok je jasni ili zračeći aspekt projektovan spolja kao odvojen, spoljašnji svet drugih.
As the confusion proliferates, the concepts of duality, feelings of attachment and aversion, and consequent karmic actions and imprints become self-perpetuating. Thus it is called cyclic existence and is “characterized by the experience of suffering.”
Dok se konfuzija umnožava, , koncepti dualnosti, osećanja vezanosti i averzije i posledična karmička dela i imprinti, sami od sebe održavaju se bez prestanka.
But the essential nature of emptiness and clarity has never for a moment been absent. In contemplative practice we can watch this process in our minds moment by moment and recognize how we create our world.
Ali suštinska priroda praznine i jasnoće nije ni za tren bila odsutna. U kontemplativnoj praksi možemo ovaj proces da posmatramo u svom umu trenutak za trenutkom i da prepoznamo kako stvaramo svoj svet.